Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Attempted rape in Ghilachari: protest rally held
News No. 197/2009, November 17, 2009

The women of Ghilachari continued their peaceful agitation yesterday, protesting against the attempted rape on Juboni Chakma.

They held a rally at Ghilachari bazaar under the banner of the Ghilachari Committee for Guiding Movement Against Women Repression. An estimated 1,000 women participated.

They will enforce another round of road blockade today.

Army and police personnel including policewomen tried to intimidate the participants of the rally, but stick-wielding women chased them away.

Many including the OC of Naniachar police station, an Army Habilder, Naniachar Upazila chairman Pritimoy Chakma and Ghilachari UP chairman Mitu Chakma were clubbed by the women.

They also waved ragged pinon (lower-part garment of Chakma women) at them as a mark of protest.

Condemning the sexual attack on Juboni Chakma, the movement leaders demanded exemplary punishment of the guilty army man and immediate withdrawal of Ghilachari army camp from their area.

The rally, which began at 1pm and ended at 3:30pm without a break, was addressed by Rina Chakma, Sabina Chakma, Romita Chakma, Ittugi Chakma, Kajoli Chakma, Sumoti Chakma and Zhinu Prabha Chakma – all housewives and first-time speakers.