Friday, August 14, 2009

UPDF greets CHT people on Boisabi
News No.25/2009, April 12, 2009

The central committee of the United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF) has greeted the people of Chittagong Hill Tracts on the eve of the Great Boisabi festival, the main social event in the area.

In a statement issued to the media today, UPDF said Boisabi is a symbol of unity, solidarity and fraternity among all the nationalities in the CHT. However, a vested interest group is trying to destroy this unity in a planned way by imposing the “Bizu” of the Chakmas on all other nationalities. “Such an attempt will never be acceptable to the CHT people”, it further said.

The statement went on: “For the people to celebrate a national festival like Boisabi, what is required is a peaceful and democratic environment and people’s rights. Therefore, where people are continuously being subjected to repression and humiliation, where they are losing their lands and where there is no justice against such injustices, there can be no conducive environment for the celebration of the festival.”

“UPDF hopes that the present government will withdraw the military from CHT, resolve the land issue and establish full democratic environment in CHT as per its election pledges.” the statement further said.