News No. 49/2009, June 12, 2009
The Hill Women’s Federation has held a rally in Baghaichari today to mark the 13th anniversary of disappearance of Kalpana Chakma, one of its leaders, who was kidnapped from her home by Lt. Ferdous of Bangladesh Army.
Held at Upazila ground, the rally was presided over by Sonali Chakma, President of Hill Women’s Federation.
Noted poet Abu Bakr Siddiq and Bangladesh Lekhok Shibir (Writer’s Association) member Moinuddin Ahmed spoke as special guests.
The speakers criticized the successive governments for their failure to make the findings of the inquiry report public, and urged the present government of Awami League to break with the past.
They were also outspoken about the overwhelming military presence in the CHT and urged the government to demilitarize the area without further delay.
“What role is the military playing in CHT?” they asked, and demanded that the government put an end to the so-called “operation Uttoron” which gives the army sweeping power to arrest and kill any Jumma in CHT.
“So long as the army remains in CHT, human rights situation will not improve”, they remarked.
The speakers said land is one of the major problems in CHT and urged the government to recognise the customary land rights of the Jumma people.
“Land grabbing must stop, and the lands already grabbed by settlers must be returnedto the rightful Jumma owners”, they said.s