News No. 226/2009, December 22, 2009
Three Jumma organisations -- Hill Students’ Council, Hill Women’s Federation and Democratic Youth Forum – staged a demonstration today in Khagrachari, demanding immediate release of four kidnapped Jumma villagers in Laxmichari. (photo attached)
The Jummas were kidnapped last night by military-backed terrorists popularly known as Borkha party because its members used to put on Borkha or Muslim veil while committing crimes.
At a rally held at Mukta Mancha in Khagrachari bazaar, Apruchi Marma, a leader of Hill Students’ Council demanded that the Borkha Party be disbanded and its members arrested and put on trial.
He accused Laxmichari zone commander Lt. Col. Shariful Islam of sheltering the Borkha party terrorists.
The rally was preceded by a procession which took off from Swanirbhor bazaar and paraded Khagrachari town.