News No. 15/2010, January 30, 2010
Three Jumma organisations have demanded immediate arrest of military-backed Borkha Party terrorists, active in Laxmichari in Khagrachari district.
The Hill Women’s Federation, Hill Students’ Council and Democratic Youth Forum made this demand at a rally held at Shapla Chattar in Khagrachari town today. (Photo attached)
They were protesting the kidnapping of UPDF activist Rashik Chandra Chakma alias Agata by military-backed Borkha Party terrorists in Laxmichari.
The rally was addressed by Apruchi Marma, General Secretary of PCP Khagrachari District Unit; Subir Chakma, Organising Secretary of DYF Khagrachari District Unit and Madri Chakma, General Secretary of HWF Khagrachari Unit.
The speakers alleged that Laxmichari zone commander Lt. Col. Shariful Islam is providing shelter to the Borkha Party terrorists.
“The Borkha Party terrorists are carrying out their criminal activities with direct support from the army. They are collecting tolls near an army camp in Laxmichari. They regularly raid the homes of the UPDF members and supporters, torture them and kidnap them.” Subir Chakma said.
He said the army had created the Borkha Party to weaken UPDF in the area. “But the people will crush them as they did with army collaborators in the past.”
Madri Chakma and Apruchi Marma condemned the kidnapping of Rashik Chandra Chakma and demanded his immediate release.
They urged the government to disband the Borkha Party, arrest its members and put them on trial for their involvement in the murder of UPDF leader Rui khoi Marma and other criminal activities.
The rally was preceded by a procession which paraded Khagrachari town.