Thursday, December 24, 2009

Four villagers kidnapped in Laxmichari
News No. 224/2009, December 22, 2009

Four Jumma villagers have been kidnapped in Laxmichari under Khagrachari district, sources say.

According to various sources, a group of military-backed Bokha Party members led by Kapil Sen Chakma and Bizu Chakma last night raided the village of Bokyacahra under Laxmichari Sader Union.

They picked up Babullya Chakma (30) son of Rabi Kumar Chakma from his house and demanded a sum of Taka 100,000 ($1428) as toll from him.

When he refused to agree to pay the toll money, the terrorists forcibly took him away. Babullay Chakma is blind in one eye.

The Borkha terrorists also kidnapped three others from the village. They are Joy Dhan Chakma (25) son of Dhanakka Chakma (village head), Bindukya Chakma (16) son of Palokya Chakma and Anil Chakma (25) s/o Khiluk Dhan Chakma.

The Borkha Party was created by military in June – July this year to create disturbance to justify opposition to army withdrawal from CHT. Its original name was CHTNF (Chittagong Hill Tracts National Forum), but it became known as Borkha Party as its members used borkha or Muslim veils during robbery and hijacking.

The Borkha members are now concentrated mainly in Laxmichari after they were ousted from Ramgarh, Guimara and Matiranga areas by popular resistance.

Lt. Col. Shariful Islam, commander of Laxmichari zone, is openly patronizing them.