News No. 150/2009, October 11, 2009
In protest against the 9 October communal attack, the Jumma people have begun an indefinite boycott of Laxmichari bazaar.
Today was the market day for Laxmichari bazaar where the gruesome attack took place. At least six UPDF members and supporters were injured and three others went missing in that unprovoked attack.
The Laxmichari zone commander, Lt. Col. Sharif, one of the architects of the attack and who has committed numerous violations of human rights including masterminding the recent killing of UPDF leader Rui Khoi Marma, tried to force the Jumma villagers to come to Laxmichari bazaar.
When the Jummas rejected his request to participate in the Laxmichari bazaar, he boarded a few Jummas on to his lorry and dumped them at the bazaar.
The Jummas not only boycotted Laxmichari bazaar, but also set up a new bazaar at Morachengey, one and a half kilometers east of the old bazaar.
The Jummas said they would continue the boycott.
Sources from Laxmichari further add: in protest against the barbarous attack the Jumma students have begun a boycott of classes. The boycott, called separately by the students themselves, will continue for a week.
They also wore black badges as a mark of protest.
Another source said the army have snatched a bag from a Jumma who was carrying it from Laxmichari bazaar. The bag belongs to Democratic Youth Forum leader Remin Chakma.
He had left the bag at a house in Laxmichari bazaar before fleeing the attack on 9 October.