Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jumma traders’ goods seized by Laxmichari SI
News No. 152/2009, October 13, 2009

The Sub Inspector of Laxmichari police station, Faridul Alam, yesterday seized goods from five Jumma traders they bought from new Morachengey market.

The Jumma traders were carrying the goods in a jeep to Manikchari bazaar.

SI Faridul Alam, who is in charge of Laxmichari police station, seized the goods at 7:30am.

The goods are perishable and include fruits and vegetables.

He demanded that the goods must be sold at Laxmichari bazaar, but the Jummas refused.

The Jumma people have been boycotting Laxmichari bazaar in protest against an attack on them on 9 October.

The Jumma traders whose goods have been seized have been identified as Hridoy Chakma, Kajol Chakma, Dhannaka Chakma and Ms Rani Chakma from Jotindra Karbari Para of Morachengey and Bhubon Chakma of Sumanta Para village.