News No. 119/2009, September 10, 2009
A joint conference of the Khagrachari district units of the Democratic Youth Forum, Hill Women’s Federation and Hill Students’ Council has demanded a complete withdrawal of Bangladesh Army troops from the Chittagong Hill Tracts. (Photo attached)
An estimated 3,000 members and supporters of these three front organisations of the United Peoples’ Democratic Front (UPDF) took part in the conference held at Khagrachari Town Hall today.
Presided over by Rina Dewan, convenor of the Joint Conference Preparatory Committee, the conference was also addressed by Ujjal Smriti Chakma, member of UPDF central committee, Konika Dewan, General Secretary (in charge) of Hill Women’s Federation, Mithun Chakma, DYF leader, and Ricoh Chakma, president of PCP.
Besides, Biddut Bhoumik, member of Jatiyo Mukti Council Eastern Chapter – 3, Ashish Sharma, convenor, Biplobi Chattra Sangha (Revolutionary Students’ Society), Mir Nixon, Joint Convenor, Bangladesh Students’ Federation Chittagong Unit, and Prince Mahmud, Secretary of Lamppost, a progressive study circle also addressed the conference expressing solidarity with the just struggle of the Jumma people.
The conference passed a resolution moved by Ratan Chakma, Member Secretary of the Joint Conference Preparatory Committee. The participants approved it with thunderous applause and hoisting their fists.
UPDF leader Ujjal Smriti Chakma said the ruling elites have spread their tentacles of conspiracy to undermine the struggle of the Jumma people. “On the one hand, they are trying to gag the voices of the people by not allowing the news of our struggle and our demands to get into the print and electronic media, and on the other hand, they are launching a racist, communal and ultra-nationalist campaign in the most crudest form.” he added.
Commenting on the decision of the CHT Land commission to conduct land survey in mid-October, he said if it is conducted before a recognition to the customary land rights of the Jumma, it will further complicate the issue.
He urged the government not to conduct land surveys in the CHT until the customary land rights of the Jumma people are restored.
The speakers said despite the announcement of partial troop pullout, the Awami League government is in reality trying to perpetuate military occupation of the CHT.
“The army has created the so-called Chittagong Hill Tracts National Forum (CHTNF) to create anarchy in the area and thereby justify their continued presence in the CHT.” they said.
The speakers called for the government to immediately demilitarize CHT, end military rule and concede to the just demand of full autonomy.
Remin Chakma, organiser of DYF, delivered a welcome address while Arpan Chakma, GS of PCP Khagrachari district unit conducted the conference.
After the conference, a huge procession paraded the main city streets of Khagrachari.