Friday, August 14, 2009

Harassment of Buddhist monks: protest rally demands punishment of Captain Shamim
News No. 39/2009, May 22, 2009

A protest rally in Naniachar today demanded punishment to Captain Shamim for harassing Buddhist monks yesterday.

About 2,500 took part in the rally that was presided over by Ramani Mohan Chakma, Chairman in charge of Naniachar Union.

The rally was addressed among others Kumentu Chakma, Vice-president, Naniachari Upazila, Pranati Ranjan Khisha, Chairman of Burighat Union, and Sentu Chakma, member Naniachar Union Council.

The speakers condemned harassment of Ven. Bishuddhananda Mahathero and other monks and novices and demanded exemplary punishment to Captain Shamim of Bogachari camp for the incident.

“If our demand is not met within a reasonable timeframe, we will go for tougher action.” they warned.

The rally was followed by a procession which took off from Rest House and ended at Old Market.

Later, the processionists handed the TNO a memorandum addressed to the Prime Minister.

A school teacher who attended the rally told that initially the TNO had refused to accept the memo. “Only when he saw the anger of the people, he agreed to take it” he added.