Two Jumma villagers including the wife of a UPDF member were arrested during an army raid in Lakshmichari Upazila under Khagrachari district.
Reliable sources said in the small hours of 16 February (3am) a group of army personnel from Lakshmichari zone raided the house of Lakshmi Chakma, a member of the United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF), in the village of Golachari.
The soldiers turned the house upside town in the name of search and took away Lakshmi Chakma's wife Sumitra Chakma (26) and another villager Bigunnya Chakma (26) s/o Chaga Chakma to the camp.
None of them has been released till the writing this report at 12 noon.
News No. 09/2009, February 16, 2009