A gang of armed terrorists allegedly kidnapped Santosh Chakma, a candidate for Barkal Upazila Chairman, yesterday while he was returning from a campaign meeting held at Tripurachara bazaar under Barkal Upazila in Rangamati district.
"Mr. Chakma was kidnapped from Kukichara area" newspapers said without mentioning the identity of the kidnappers.
But some described the incident as a "friendly kidnapping", designed to garner sympathy votes in the election.
The terrorists belong to a small armed group which has ganged up with Awami League and the military in Baghaichari to make sure their favourite candidates win in the Upazila election.
Mr. Santosh Chakma is an active member of the Awami League.
The terrorist gang is harboured by a powerful leader of a regional political party whose headquarters are based in Rangamati.
Most of the time during the state of emergency the group members remained dormant in a corner in Baghaichari area, but they have been most active in the last few days under the auspices of the military.
They are being used to curb the influence of the UPDF in the area and intimidate and coerce its supporters in the election.
News No. 04/2009, January 21, 2009