Mr. Tatindra Lal Chakma Pele who was released from Khagarachari jail after 16 months on bail has been visited by JSS senior leaders at his home at Khagarachari district headquarters. Mr. Chandra Sekhar Chakma, Central Committee Member who served three consecutive terms for 11 years for the post of General Secretary; Advocate Saktiman Chakma, Central Committee Member and Secretary for Law related Affairs of the immediate past committee; Mr. Rupayan Dewan, Central Committee Member and the Vice-President of the immediate past committee and Mr. Angshuman Chakma, Head, Political Department, Office of the President paid a two-day courtesy visit to Mr. Tatindra Lal Chakma on the 9th instant. They left Rangamti in the morning of the 9th and returned Rangamati in the evening of the next day. Chandra Sekhar Chakma and Rupayan Dewan spent the night at Parjatan motel. They have found Mr. Pele morally strong for his political commitment but have felt the immediate need of medical check-up and treatment.
By CHT Ex-Combatants