News No. 77/2008, May 8, 2008
On 5 May 2008, a group of 20 to 25 army personnel under the command of Major Tanvir, who is in charge of Pukirachara camp, arrested three Jummas while on patrol.
Sources said Tanvir arrested Niranjan Chakma after calling him to the camp. Thereafter, the army personnel went to Pukirachara village and arrested Ranangan Chakma(23) son of Nishanto Chakma from his own house.
The following day another Jumma named Lamba was arrested when he was going to Pukirachara bazaar. The day was weekly market day in Pukirachara.
The army tortured them severely and implicated them with false cases after placing one homemade ek nola gun and a donation book in their hands. Now they are languishing in Rangamati jail.
Sources told that the army used to pay them regularly for providing information about UPDF activists and their whereabouts. But when they failed to provide any useful information leading to the arrest of any UPDF member, the army became angry and arrested them.