Saturday, January 5, 2008

Settlers attack one in Matiranga over land grabbing

Oli Mohan Tripura (45) was seriously wounded in a settler attack on 1January 2008 as he prevented an attempt at illegal grabbing of hisland by illegal plain settlers in Matiranga.

The incident took place in Islampur village (No. 10) of MatirangaMunicipality under Khagrachari district and relates to a piece of plowland belonging to Oli Mohan Tripura.

Mr. Tripura mortgaged 2 of his 3 acres of paddy land to Nurul Islam(50), an illegal plain settler implanted by the government ofBangladesh in the 1980s. But the settler now attempts to grab all hisland including the one acre which has not been mortgaged and heactually ventured to plough all the 3 acres ignoring the mortgagedeed. When Mr. Tripura asked him to adhere to the agreement, NurulIslam and his two sons - Salam and Alom - mounted an attack on him.

Eyewitnesses said the settlers attacked him with dao (a sharp weapon)without any manner of provocation on his side. When Mr. Tripurascreamed for help, peoples from nearby areas rushed to the scene andrescued him.

He was then admitted to Matiranga hospital for treatment.

It is not known whether the attackers have been arrested or whetherany case has been filed against them.

The Jummas are always in the receiving end and when the parties to anydispute belong to Jummas and settlers, the former can never hope forreceiving justice. The settlers are often encouraged by the army toencroach on Jumma's land and forcible land grabbing has become aserious problem in CHT.

Source from:- Hill Watch Human Rights Forum, NEWS No. 02/2008, January 05, 2008