Monday, January 21, 2008

Army prevents construction of a makeshift bridge in Karallyachari
News No. 04/2008, January 21, 2008

Military personnel have prevented Buddhist devotees constructing a makeshift bridge over the river Chengi at Karallyachari - Paujjyachari area under Mahalchari Thana in Khagrachari district.

Hundreds of Jumma villagers began constructing the wooden bridge early in the morning today for the convenience of the Buddhist monks and the devotees to attend a religious gathering on 25 January at Sarnath Arannyo Kuthir, a meditation centre-cum-Vihara run by a disciple of the Bana Bhante, the most revered and venerated Buddhist monk in Bangladesh.

However, at around 11 a.m. army personnel from Karallychari camp ordered them to stop the work and threatened to arrest anyone disobeying their order.

"The army asked who gave us order to construct the bridge" one of the volunteers who was present at the scene told and added that the army would not allow them to make the bridge unless they could show permission for that.

"This reminds us of the bad old days when you needed pass for everything except for death", he further said alluding to overwhelming military control over the lives of the Jumma people during pre-Accord years.

After the army order banning the construction of the bridge, many Jumma volunteers left the scene for fear of arrest, while the army kept others inside the house of one Ranga Chakma.

The army personnel also ordered them to shift the wood logs meant for the bridge to their camp at Karallyachari.

People are now seething with discontent and they might soon find it difficult to keep their pent-up anger and growing resentment in check.