Friday, December 14, 2007

366.02 acres land occupied in Khagrachhari

Staff Correspondent

About 366.02 acre land of 120 indigenous people were grabbed by grabbers in different places at Mohalchhari in Khagrachhari district in the last nine months, Mahalchhari Bhumi Rakkha Committe alleged in a press conference at Dhaka Reporters Unity yesterday.

On behalf of the committee Headman Biddya Binod Chakma of Kiyang Ghat read out the written statement of the situation in the conference.

The outsiders are building houses forcefully on the grabbed lands and gardens of indigenous people and they are sheltered by a powerful quarter, they said.

They urged the government to take initiatives to stop land grabbing and handing over the grabbed lands to genuine owners.

Legal steps should also be taken against the grabbers and their collaborators, they demanded.

They also demanded recognition of the traditional land rights of the indigenous community for a permanent solution of land problems in the hill tracts.

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