Two-day long “Danutthom Kathin Chibar Dan”, one of the biggest religious festivals observed by the Buddhist community in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) began last Monday at the Lakpaindang Buddha Bihar. The Bihar is located in a remote area under Manikchhari Upazila.“Danutthom Kathin Chibar Dan” refers to the ritual of weaving a material within 24 hours, which is gifted to the 'Bante', 'Sramon' (religious leader) as a means of salvation. Devotees also donate money, paper, books and other necessities to the Bihar on the occasion.Khagrachhari Hill District Council (KHDC) Member Sanu Mong Marma inaugurated the two-day function on Monday. Some 2,000 people from 15 villages, in traditional attire, thronged the Bihar.Among others, Bangladesh Marma Aikka Parishad (BMAP) President Babu Kongchairi Marma and general secretary of BMAP, Babusshi Chowdhury attended the programme.As part of the occasion, a village fair was also held at the venue. Yesterday Buddha Puja, Sanghadan, Austra Puroskardan and Bhikkhu Sanger Pinda Dan and Kathin Chibar Dan were observed at the Bihar.
One of several CNG filling stations between Kanchpur Bridge and Jatrabari of the capital which BNP big shots built on the Kutubkhali canal, drastically reducing Dhaka's drainage capability.
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